Winooski River Cleanup

By United By Blue (other events)

Saturday, July 19 2014 9:00 AM 1:00 PM EST

Come join Outdoor Gear Exchange and United By Blue for a cleanup of the Winooski River!

We’ll provide volunteers with gloves, bags and water. Get your daily dose of Vitamin D, meet your neighbors, and help preserve our local waterway!

We will meet at Ethan Allen Homestead and have everyone sign in at 9:00am  It is best to register online, but all volunteers are welcome to show up the day of the cleanup.  After registration there will be a quick introduction and project brief.  Then everyone will grab a pair of gloves and a trash bag to start picking up garbage that has been washed up or is floating in the river.

During the course for the cleanup we will play 2 exciting cleanup games:

  1. Weirdest Trash Competition - During the cleanup, volunteers look for particularly odd pieces of trash.  Each volunteers is allowed to submit 1 piece of "weird trash", which will be voted on.  The winner will recieve a United By Blue shirt.
  2. Total Weight Competition - At the end of the cleanup we will weigh all of the trash collected and ask volunteers to guess the total weight.  The closest guess will win them a United By Blue shirt!

Why are waterway cleanups important?

Every year there are 14 billion pounds of trash that end up in our world's oceans.  The majority of that trash is land based debris that washes and blows into rivers, streams, and bays before floating out into the ocean.  Once the trash is out in the ocean it becomes much harder to remove.  These cleanups are not only important because of the trash they remove, but they also help raise awareness about the problems of ocean pollution.